cancer cell

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Reducing the dominance and the risk of breast cancer

Reducing the dominance and the risk of breast cancer

There is an excess of oestrogens in our food and in the environment that is causing hormonal disturbance and endocrine disruption which can increase risk of oestrogen dominant conditions such as breast or uterine cancer, fibrocystic breast disease and endometriosis.

Xenoestrogens are chemicals found in the environment that mimic oestrogen and so occupy oestrogen receptors stimulating abnormal cellular growth. They  have also shown the ability to induce aromatase activity which is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of oestrogen from androgens, more common in menopause when oestrogen levels reduce..

Phthalates are one of these xenoestrogens used as plasticisers and are found commonly  in food containers, water bottles, children's toys, used for PVC, adhesives and nail polish etc. These chemicals have been found to stimulate breast cancer growth.

Foods such as meat, poultry and eggs if not organic, also increase the oestrogen load.  Though New Zealand has predominantly grass fed animals, the pesticide contribution is significant and so it is recommended to consume only moderate amounts of meat and only organic and  free range if possible.

Oestrogen biosynthesis occurs mainly in the adipose tissue where fat is stored- this tissue also produces the aromatase  enzyme that converts androgens to oestrogen.  This activity is particularly prevalent in visceral fat (belly fat) which also produces more oestrogen as well as inflammatory chemicals that increase insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of cardiovascular risk markers such as high lipid levels ,high blood pressure, high blood sugar  and abdominal obesity.  Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for breast cancer.

Soy  isoflavones have a profound effect on endocrine function and should be used with caution, especially those commercially available in supplemental form.  As there is conflicting studies regarding the positive or negative effect on oestrogen related disorders it  would be  advisable to reduce consumption of soy and only use in traditional fermented forms eg: miso, natural fermented soy sauce, tamari and tempeh.

It is important to have healthy liver and gut function for the metabolism and absorption of phytoestrogens like soy or cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale and bok choy.  Healthy bacteria in the gut assist with the metabolism of these phytonutrients. Consuming naturally fermented foods such as kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, pickled vegetables will create a healthy gut environment for eliminating toxins and absorbing nutrients.

Anti-oestrogenic and Anti-cancer nutrients:

Apigenine found in chamomile
Polyphenols-green tea
Quercetin found in onions, garlic and apples, grapes
Resveratrol found in red grapes
Thyme, oregano, turmeric- also highly beneficial for liver detoxification
The anti-oestrogenic diet should emphasize natural whole foods with an abundant of organic, pesticide free fruits and vegetables.  It is vital to avoid all processed foods, trans fats which are used in margarines, all vegetable  cooking oils (except cold pressed virgin olive oil and unrefined coconut oil).  Avoid also processed baking goods and anything that is labelled hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated.

Liver detoxification and exercise is also a vital part of reducing the negative effects of oestrogen. There are several metabolites of oestrogen that have their own specific biological actions, some which have stimulatory properties with a negative impact on tumour growth (16OHE and 4OHE) and others have weak and protective properties (2OHE)  An imbalance in oestrogen metabolism has been associated with  a higher risk of breast cancer, other hormonal cancers, osteoporosis and cardiovascular risk.

The Anti-oestrogen diet

Cruciferous vegetables- broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, bok choy, watercress- these have active ingredients- indoles, isothiocyanates, sulforaphanes, glucosinolates enzymes that detoxify carcinogenic substances.  Studies have shown these foods can shift the ratio of oestrogen metabolism to a healthy protective balance
Citrus  fruits-. Citrusfruits-  contain significant amounts of polyphenols known as flavanones and terpines. Two of the bioflavanoids in citrus fruits, hesperidin and rutin strengthen blood vessel integrity and so reduce inflammation, Naringenin is a favanone shown as an oestrogen inhibitor.
Plant sterol rich foods- nuts, seeds, avocado, cold pressed olive oil, rice germ oil. These plant sterol can help promote progesterone and testosterone production if low which in turn can counteract oestrogen dominance.  They also help with healthy lipid metabolism. As any of these fats can oxidise or become rancid it is important to eat in their raw state and as fresh as possible.
Onion and garlic- the active ingredient is the antioxidant flavanoid quercetin known for its anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties.  It has also been shown to inhibit enzymes that synthesize oestrogen.
Omega 3 oils- derived from flaxseed, hempseed, or wild fatty fish- salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines.  Omega 3 oils are beneficial for modulating oestrogen metabolism and recent research has shown its effect in breast cancer prevention (A study demonstrated that regular use of fish oil supplements, which contain high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, was linked with a 32% reduced risk of breast cancer.

Seaweed and other sea vegetablescontain beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B12,fiber, and chlorophyll, as well as chlorophylones - important fatty acids that may help in the fight against breast cancer. Many sea vegetables also have high concentrations of the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and iodine which is important for breast health.  Avoid seaweed or iodine if hyperthyroid or if you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's or Grave's disease which are autoimmune thyroid conditions.

Drink mainly pure water with lemon juice, green tea, herbal teas. Restrict or avoid alcohol if at risk for breast cancer. There is significant research that shows a link between alcohol intake, its effect on liver detoxification and hormonal imbalance.

Exercise,  stress reduction techniques and laughter are an integral part of breast health and reducing oestrogen dominance as well as supporting healthy emotional balance.

cabbage efficacy for cancer patients

cabbage efficacy for cancer patients

Causes of Breast Cysts

Causes of Breast Cysts

Women should continue to wear a bra if they want to because there is no evidence whatsoever to continue to wear a bra causes breast cancer. This theory was developed by Syd Singer and Soma Grismaijer who wrote a book entitled dressed to kill, claiming bra constrict breast tissue and block lymph drainage, causing chemical toxins to remain in the breast

Myth, that if someone had found a lump during the inspection, it is cancer. Again, this is not always the case. In fact, both men and women occurred lump in their breast tissue for a variety of reasons, and only a doctor can determine whether or not the lump is cancerous. Other identifiable lumps in breast tissue caused by the formation of cysts, natural fibrocystic change, fibroadenoma, low-grade infection, calcium deposits and minor injuries to the breast tissue.

It may also be hereditary. At some point in time 1 in 10 women develops breast cancer. Chance of developing increases after menopause. If you have early puberty or late menopause, you have a first child after age 30, then you touch your chances of breast cancer terjankit. The possibility of reducing the risk if you have your first child before the age of 18.

Breast cancer risk is higher among women whose close relatives have this disease area. Women with cancer in one breast has a greater chance of getting a new cancer in the breast or in another part of the same breast. This is different from the first cancer coming back Many experts now believe that the main reason for this is because they have faster growing tumors. Asian Indian women, Hispanics, and Americans have a lower risk of breast cancer.

Find a lump in your breast was the most terrifying experience for every woman. The good news is, even though a lump in your breast could mean cancer facts show that most breast are not cancerous. But worse lump was not detected by doctors early anda.Deteksi very important to treat and cure breast cancer in the suffering.

Sometimes lumps in the breast can be said with the type of cyst, which is just the kind of fluid-filled sac. Simple painlessly by just inserting a needle into it and remove fluid from accumulating inside. If no fluid to be found then they can still use needles that take a small tissue sample to be tested for cancer, called a biopsy.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Breast Cancer Surgery Package "Can we Predetermine the Cost"

Breast Cancer Surgery Package "Can we Predetermine the Cost"

Diagnosis of Breast cancer is hard enough, without considering the direct and indirect costs associated with breast cancer treatment. Beating your cancer is patient's first priority, but financial worries are often not far behind. Most breast cancer patients fail to understand, why package cost for breast treatment cannot be predetermine.

The answer is simple cost of treating breast cancer can vary from Rs. 1Lac to Rs. 10 Lacs.  Cost Variation depends on the Stage of the Disease (Early / locally advanced / metastatic),Nutritional Status of the PatientIndividual Body and Immune ResponsesOther Associated Diseases of any Organ of the Body (heart, lung, liver, kidney, diabetics, high blood pressure etc.), Modality(ies) of treatment required and best suited treatment plan as per National and International guidelines recommended during Tumour Board evaluation.

One has to consider the following scenarios.

Does the Patient require SURGERY?  If yes,

  • Whether only lump will be removed / entire breast will be removed?
  • Will removal of breast be followed by reconstruction of breast?
  • What kind of breast reconstruction is preferred by the patient?
  • Will patient require breast prosthesis or not?

Following surgery, will the patient require Chemotherapy? If yes,

  • What drugs will be used?
  • Will the patient get chemotherapy in day care or will be hospitalization?

The cost will also depend on what kind of chemo drugs are recommended, based on the histology of the tumour. Some chemo drugs have to be imported and are very expensive.

First line of drugs may / may not produce desired results second / third line chemo drugs and targeted therapies are more expensive.

Radiation therapy may / may not be required. If it is required, is the patient mobile to come to hospital on OPD basis. If the patient is immobile additional cost of 6 weeks of hospitalization will be required. Depending on the category of room chosen by the patient, cost will be different for different categories of rooms.

If these patients also have other associated diseases e.g. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure Heart Disease,, Asthma, Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis , Liver Disease, Kidney Disease requiring dialysis or any other disease, the cost of repeated investigations, drugs, disposables minor medical or surgical procedures gets added to the treatment cost.

Patients of stage IV breast cancer do not require surgery (except cosmetic surgery in fungating ulcers of the breast) However, they do require long term supportive chemotherapy. If they do not respond to first line of drugs 2nd or 3rd line of drugs are also tried to control the disease.

In addition to chemotherapy they may need Blood / Blood Component Therapy, Parenteral Nutrition Therapy, Treatment of Metastatic Fractures Rehabilitation of the Patient etc.

In view of the above, patient must undergo a complete diagnostic workup with numerous investigations to confirm the cancer; this is followed by staging work up to find out the stage of the disease. After knowing the stage of the disease and modalities of treatment require done can give the estimated cost of surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Supportive care, rehabilitation etc.

About the Author

Cancer Hospital India
Author on various topics for Cancer, Radiation Oncology, Allied Services, Healthcare, Hospitals and Health Subjects.   For More information.

Advancement in Stereotactic radiosurgery and Benefits to Cancer Patients in India

Advancement in Stereotactic radiosurgery and Benefits to Cancer Patients in India

Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a form of radiation therapy that focuses high-power energy (X-rays) on a small area of the body. The term radiosurgery is truly a misnomer .It is not a surgical procedure and is rather a technique of radiation therapy.Some patients receive more than one treatment session, but usually no more than five sessions then the process is termed as stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT).and when it is performed for tumours outside skull it is called Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT)
SRS targets and treats an abnormal area without damaging nearby healthy tissue. SRS is more likely to be recommended for patients who are too high risk for surgery. This may be due to age or other comorbidities. The aim of stereotactic radiosurgery is to destroy target tissue while preserving adjacent normal tissue, where fractionated radiotherapy relies on a different sensitivity of the target and the surrounding normal tissue to the total accumulated radiation dose
SRS is often used to impede the growth of small, deep seated brain tumors that are not amenable to surgery. These includespinal cord tumors,pituitary tumors, acoustic neuromaand brain metastasis. There are many noncancerous conditions which can also be treated with SRS like such as arteriovenous malformations ,Parkinson disease, trigeminal neuralgia and epilepsy
There are many types of radiation therapy machines which can be used to perform radiosurgery namelylinear accelerator, Gamma knife,and Cyberknife. Not all Linear accelerators are competent to perform SRS.The prerequisite is to havemicro multileaf collimators which has a submilimetric precision capability. Inaddition there should be an inbuilt online imaging system to guide the treatment.
Modern stereotactic planning systems are computer based.The stereotactic method has continued to evolve ever since it was first started by Prof Leksell in 1949. At present an elaborate amalgam of image-guided surgery that uses computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and stereotactic localization is employed.Stereotaxy makes use of a three-dimensional coordinate system to locate small targets inside the body and to performa procedure, a stereotactic planning system, including atlas, multimodality image matching tools, coordinates calculator, a stereotactic device or apparatus and stereotactic localization and placement procedure.
During treatment the patient is on the treatment table with an appropriate immobilisation. The immobilisation includes masks and cushions.The treatment table slides into a machine that delivers radiation: The patient is under constant supervision by means of real time cameras. Patient can also communicate on microphones in case of any discomfort. If need arises then treatment can be interrupted and later resumed.
SRS/SRT where it stands in Indian Scenario: It providesasafe, and minimal invasive and efficacious treatment alternative for patients diagnosed with malignant, benign and functional indications in the brain and spine.Indications include not only to primary and secondary  brain tumours but also meningiomas, schwannomas, pituitary adenomas, arteriovenous malformations, and trigeminal neuralgia.More recent evolution extrapolates the original concept of stereotactic radiosurgery to extra-cranial targets, most notably in the lung, liver, pancreas, and prostate.
If the effectiveness is valued in Indian context Stereotactic radiation therapy techniques are very cost effective as theyensure shortened treatment time and lesser number of visits to the hospital. Since it is an outpatient treatment the cost of hospitalisation further decreases.
Since the availability of state of the art radiation therapy facility is very sparse and mainly confined to metropolitan cities patients have to travel from far flung areas and spend at times many months for availing these facilities. Hypo-fractionation as achieved by SRS and SRT decreases the patient and family members stay for the treatment .The results are rewarding in terms of outcome of the carefully selected patients as all patients may not be the suitable candidates for this form of therapy.

About the Author

Kanika Sharma
Author on various topics for Cancer, Radiation Oncology ,Allied Services, Healthcare, Hospitals and Health Subjects. For More information.

Breast Cancer Support: Taking Care of the Caretaker

Breast Cancer Support: Taking Care of the Caretaker

Offering breast cancer support as a caregiver or partner is one of the hardest things there is. For starters, it is almost impossible for one person to manage it all without the help of others. While you are trying to bring your best, you're only human and you should not be afraid to ask for help.
Here are some ways in which you can take care of yourself in order to provide the bestbreast cancer support to your loved one with cancer.

1. Acknowledge how you feel
When someone you know and love is facing a cancer diagnosis, you must know that it is a very emotional time for them and for you too. You may be feeling sad, lonely, helpless, frightened, angry, uncertain and more.  In order to provide the best breast cancer support, you need to first deal with your own emotions. 
There's a lot you can do, but there's also some things that you can't do. This is not a time to feel selfish or guilty for taking time out for yourself. Acknowledge how you feel and find a safe space where you can express your feelings.
2.  Take care of yourself
Be sure that you get enough sleep and that you eat healthy, balanced meals. Exercise at least 3 times every week and be sure to relax as often as you can. If you have medical needs, take your medications and make your doctors' appointments. Do whatever floats your boat, but make sure that you know and take care of the signs of caregiver burnout.
3.  Keep the lines of communication open
As a caregiver, people will turn to you for updates, and you should let them have it. However, you don't need to do it all. If it's too difficult for you to keep veryone in the loop, appoint someone to be the central contact person.
4.  Learn to say no
You're bound to be offered plenty unsolicited advice and help. If you don't need or want it, politely decline and thank the person for his or her concern.
When you're the central figure offering breast cancer support, you should understand that you are valuable to a person's healing. You can help other people to become involved by wearing pink gear and donating funds to the National breast Cancer Foundation.While you are trying to bring your best, you're only human and you should not be afraid to ask for help.

About the Author

For more information give us a call at  1800 637 098 or visit our website

Gifts, Gifts and More Gifts All while supporting cancer

Gifts, Gifts and More Gifts All while supporting cancer

I just received the BEST gift from my boyfriend! The most amazing arrangement of 5 dozen Red Roses! What a gorgeous arrangement! I was blown away by the size and beauty! The funny thing is my boyfriend always forgets our anniversary so when these arrived at our house this afternoon I was completely shocked. So after questioning him a bit, he finally gave up the secret… he ordered the flowers this morning from and they offered same day delivery (figures! He lucked out!)
I decided to check out the GiftsGo site since it was an online site I had not yet heard of (surprising, since online shopping is my favorite pastime). Wow! I was impressed! Basically the site is a one-stop destination for all unique and personalized gift ideas for any occasions. They don't actually sell the items on their site; once you find an item you like, you then select the item and are transferred to the seller's page. I actually liked that set-up because the selection of gifts was extremely varied and also, once on the seller's page, you can browse through their other products too (Gifts, Gifts and more Gifts!).
GiftsGo has divided their gifts into categories and then sub-categorized. This makes it easy to search for a particular gift- ex. Baby shower. I, on the other hand, decided to peruse the entire site and wasn't really searching for anything in particular. Let me tell you that this site has some unique gifts! Things like a giant beach ball (I'm talking much larger than my height), an electric s'mores maker (who doesn't love s'mores??), a personalized casserole dish (I know what I'm getting Mom for Mother's Day) and sleep headphones (I need a pair to drown out my dog's snoring). See what I meant about variety?! This site has it all!
After much enjoyable scrolling, I ended up purchasing something for my boyfriend (who just won major points for this rose arrangement). We are really into astrology and I found the coolest gift under the Valentine's section… "Name A Star  -" I thought this was so unique and thoughtful- I know he is going to love it! The package comes with a personalized name a star certificate and the coordinates to your very own star! How cool is that? This is a gift that I know he has never received and one he will remember forever.
Turned out to be a pretty wonderful anniversary! I loved my bouquet of roses and I was truly impressed with the GiftsGo site. I felt I had to share it with you! I know that's the first place I will head to when purchasing my next gift… 
oh and here's the best part- GiftsGo donates a portion of it's revenue to various cancer charities! It didn't cost me anything extra and I'm supporting such a worthy cause! It feels great to support something greater while shopping; makes me feel like my shopping is actually worthwhile! So there you have it… my newest online spot… Happy Shopping!

How Thyroid Cancer is cured in Texas?

How Thyroid Cancer is cured in Texas?

Thyroid cancer is generally cured by advanced medical procedures in Texas, where the patients have to go through one or a series of medical procedures such as radiation therapy, radioactive therapy, hormone treatment, external-beam radiation, and most popularly chemotherapy. The doctors in Texas utilize the most effective and minimal invasive methods to provide maximum convenience to the patients.
The treatment for thyroid cancer depends on the conditions and other key factors, including the level of cancerous growth and other health complications. Before applying a specific medical procedure to the patient, the doctors go through extensive diagnosis procedures to know more. Because almost all the thyroid cancers are remediable, the doctors try their best to make it happen.
The aim of thyroid treatment is to take out the cancerous cells from your body. And that's why; most of the people go through the surgery to remove it. After the surgical procedure, you may require go through radioactive iodine to end any enduring cancerous cells or tissues. And when your body is almost free from the cancerous thyroid glands, you would perhaps require having a scheduled medication course for the rest of your life. The medication destroys those hormones, which have been formed by the thyroid gland and it then keep you at arm's length from developing hypothyroidism.
Thyroid cancer treatment in Texas:
Surgery: It is the most practiced medical procedure that is applied to almost all thyroid cancers. Taking away lobe, one part of the cells, is termed as a lobectomy, and when it about taking away both lobes, it is termed as a total thyroidectomy. The nature of surgery depends on the diagnosis reports and patients' health conditions as well.
Radioactive iodine: It is the procedure that is applied after surgery. The purpose of radioactive iodine is to remove any enduring thyroid cancerous cells. It is applied after some weeks when the surgery has been completed.
TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone suppression therapy):
TSH is believed to be one of the most post-surgery medical procedures that help your body stop developing any additional cancerous cells for the rest of your life. In addition, it is also useful in stopping the growth of remaining cancerous cells.
Once you have completed all the surgical procedures successfully, you would be advised to follow a medication course for the entire life so as to keep your body immune against possible cancerous growth in future. You need to visit your doctors periodically as well to know your conditions.

About the Author

For more Information on thyroid cancer treatment texas, thyroid treatment dallas. Please visit :

Ayurvedic Medicines Are The Best Alternative Of Allopathic Medicines For Cancer

Ayurvedic Medicines Are The Best Alternative Of Allopathic Medicines For Cancer

Cancer is an ailment portrayed by uncontrolled development of cells. Breast cancer shapes in the tissues of the breast. It is ordinarily framed in the pipes. It can be recognized utilizing a mammogram or a through a self-exam. It is prompted that these tests ought to be done consistently so that early recognition can be made. With ahead of schedule discovery, progresses in treatment and therapy, survival rates are exceedingly expanded. Side effects incorporate a protuberance in the breast, release from the areola, or a perceptible change in the size or state of a breast. A portion of the components that add to this sort are qualities, age or even family history of the sickness.
There are numerous option approaches for managing this sort of cancer. For instance; homeopathy, utilization of supplements, needle therapy, back rub or utilization of herbs. Ayurveda is additionally one of these options. This sort of treatment begins from India, but on the other hand is utilized and acknowledged the world over as a corresponding and option type of medication. It is accustomed to realize a speedier reaction and diminish the symptoms of ordinary medications. It additionally aides counteract repeat of infections furthermore draw out survival rates. These meds are likewise used to anticipate sicknesses, to ensure and to cure interminable infections in the body. Likewise, they are utilized to right safety issue in the body.
By and large, individuals typically experience the traditional strategies for getting a forecast before treatment can be analyzed. On the other hand, in situations where customary Ayurveda is still rehearsed, the patient is made inquiries. To answer these inquiries, all the five detects must be utilized. An anticipation is then made and the fundamental plans given for treatment. These days, most patients like to experience customary routines for analysis. They then consolidate the ordinary medications together with the option Ayurveda solution.
While taking Ayurveda prescription for the treatment of breast or whatever other growth, you have to consistently visit your oncologist for checkups. Definitions for ayurveda medicines are made utilizing seven metals and herbs. The herbs utilized incorporate; gold, silver, zinc, tin, lead, copper, and iron. Patanjali ayurvedic medicines for cancer is one of the most effective medicines discovered by Patanjali- company founded by Yoga Guru Ramdev. Be that as it may, instances of lead harming have been accounted for over the long haul. This regularly happens when a percentage of the definitions have been arranged with overabundance lead amounts, over the directed norms. Other reported cases have been passing because of deferred utilization of customary medications because of faith in the option prescription. Furthermore, it is vital to look for guidance from a specialist before you self sedate.

Guanabana Fruit Finds Its Way To Cure Cancer

Guanabana Fruit Finds Its Way To Cure Cancer

Guanabana or Soursop is a fruit extensively grown in Central America, northern parts of South America, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, etc. The fruit is also grown in some parts of Southeastern Asia, and East of Nigeria. Guanabana belongs to the genus chirimoya and the family pawpaw. The scientific name of the plant bearing the fruit is Annona muricata.
Preferred Climatic Condition:
This fruit is best grown in the areas with warmer winters and relatively higher humidity. An atmospheric temperature below 5 degree Celsius can be fatal to the existence of the plant.
 Some Common Uses Of Guanabana:
Soursop has an edible flesh consisting of a white pulp. The fruit is rich in fiber and contains some small, black, and indigestible seeds. It has been reported that Soursop is the only fruit belonging to the genus chirimoya that can be preserved, thereby, helping to obtainGuanabana extract. These extracts are found in commercial market as juices, candies, sorbets, fruit nectar, ice-cream flavors, etc.
Guanabana is rich in sources of Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B2. Having these health properties, Soursop gives you healthy and glowing skin, de-stresses you and your muscles, helps your body in its growing and healing processes, and boosts many nervous activities of the brain. This fruit also helps you in detoxing your body, keeps you active, fresh, and fit. It also gives you a cholesterol-free heart. The fruit has a low content of sugar and carbohydrate reducing the chance of developing diabetes and gaining calories. As mentioned earlier, the fruit is rich in fiber and thus, is good for clearing your motion and prevents you from having an upset stomach.
It's Uses In Treating Cancer:
There have been claims across the internet that Guanabana or Guanabana extract have healing properties that can slow down the spreading of cancer. It is also said that the fruit can enhance the curative properties of the other traditional cancer therapies. However, studies are still carried on the Guanabana fruit and its medicinal properties. Thus, the present status is that some scientists and research scholars do believe that the fruit can cure cancer while others beg to differ. Unless and until there is any conclusive deductions on the fruit, it is advisable not to use the fruit or its extracts for curing cancer.
However, the above advice does not stop us from believing in the other health properties of the fruit. Thus, next time you visit a store or shop online, go for every products you can lay hands on having the fruit's extract.
Guanabana Fruits Online:
There are a good many portals who deals in Guanabana fruit and its extracts. You will find all sorts of juices, flavored candies, ice-creams, jams, and jellies online made from this fruit. All you need is to place an order for the product you would like to buy and have them delivered in no time. Hence, you can take the advantage of the medicinal properties of the fruit anywhere and anytime.

Breast cancer: The sooner you know, the longer you live!

Breast cancer: The sooner you know, the longer you live!

Breast cancer occurs when malignant tumours develop in the breast.  The cells break away from the original tumour and spread by entering blood vessels or lymph vessels, which branch into tissues throughout the body. Metastasis occurs when cancer cells spread and damage other tissues and organs.
Breast cancer is more common in women though men can get it too. Being female is the main risk factor for breast cancer; other factors being advancing age, bad lifestyle, family history or exposure to radiation. The risk can slightly be high for a woman who has had benign breast lumps and increase significantly for a woman who has had a history of breast, endometrial, ovarian, or colon cancer. The risk of breast cancer is largely influenced by the extent of exposure of a woman's body to her sex hormones. A woman's risk for breast cancer is increased if she starts menarche early, bears child late, never breast feeds or attains menopause later in life. Lifestyle factors like obesity, drug, alcohol or tobacco abuse imposes high risk predominately on postmenopausal women.
Most of the lumps that occur in the breast are benign, very few turn out to be malignant. Breast cancer should be suspected only if a lump in the breast or underarm is painless, if there is a flattening or indentation, any not iceable change in the size, contour, texture, or temperature of the breast, a reddish, pitted surface like the skin of an orange could be a sign of advanced breast cancer, an unusual discharge from the nipple, a marble-like area under the skin or anything distinctly different.
Breast canceroccur in various types they are; ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive ductal carcinoma, triple negative breast cancer, inflammatorybreast cancer metastatic breast cancer, breast cancer during pregnancy and other less common types of breast cancer like medullary carcinoma, tubular carcinoma, and mucinous carcinoma.
Breast cancer is classified between 0-4 stages based on the extent of its metastasis.  The treatment recommended is based on the type of cancer, its stage, the patient's age and health, the speed of growth of the cancer cells, and genetic factors.
The main aim of breast cancer campaign is to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of breast cancer among the general public through education on its symptoms, treatment and management.  The knowledge about the causes and risk factors play an important role in its early detection which could lead to better treatment outcomes and longevity.
Good lifestyle practices that includes regular exercise, balanced diet, and healthy weight management promotes good overall health and also reduces the risks of breast cancer especially in menopausal women. Regular breast exams and mammograms are also recommended for early detection that lowers the chances of death from the disease. 

Monday 2 November 2015

Generic Sorafenib Nexavar Cancer Medicine - Kidney Cancer

Generic Sorafenib Nexavar Cancer Medicine - Kidney Cancer

The word "Kidney cancer or Liver cancer" is very hurting and distressful after knowing about it to both patient and family embers. In present, maximum people are unaware about it after they have already crossed the starting stage of cancer. We can create awareness globally amongst people, with the help of mobile advertising, Internet- Facebook,Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Paper advertisment etc, thereby we can provide comfort and help cancer patients from taking early precautions.
Sorafenib is a drug approved for the treatment of kidney cancer, liver cancer and thyroid carcinoma. The actual Generic Drug and base Medicine SORAFENIB are sold internationally under the most common marketing brand NEXAVAR. Nexavar medicine you can use if you are suffering either from kidney or liver cancer, lung cancer, heart disease as high blood pressure .You can use Nexavar tablets 2 times a day, swallowing it whole with water and without crushing, chewing, or breaking.
When you use Nexavar medicine it may cause heart problems. In case of such symptoms immediately stop taking this medicine and quickly contact your doctor.
Patients are adviced to wear gloves during cleaning up body fluids. Patients are generally prescribed by oncologists for Generic Sorafenib Nexavar giving a better and reliable treatment. We try to help patients fby providing this generic medicine from the best source and highest brand with money back guarantee.
While using this medicine you can feel mouth sores,blood in urine or stools,blood coming out while coughing,vomit that looks like coffee grounds, chest pain and severe dizziness, fainting, sweating, swelling, rapid weight gain, feeling short of breath (even with mild exertion),diarrhea, mild stomach pain, weight loss, thinning hair etc.
This medicine may also cause unwanted side effects that require medical attention particularly for- bleeding gums, nosebleeding and in this case you can just call your doctor and never avoid these kind of symptoms because in future it might have chances of other diseases as well.
So we can say that Nexavar is the most common medicine to remove your disease without wasting any precious time of yours. In market it is available at its best price but if you contact us then we can provide you at the lowest price with 100% money back guarantee. 
Cancer Cure Pharmacy offers the most comprehensive range of Branded & Generic Anti-Cancer & HIV-AIDS Medicines, For a purchase and dispatch directly,we offer our Registered and Licensed Wholesale / Retail Pharmacy in India.

About the Author

Sanjay Jain
We, the team at Cancercurepharmacy is dedicated to increase awareness amongest people about cancer  to overcome the cancer patient globally.

Most common Types of Cancer -Thyroid Cancer

Most common Types of Cancer -Thyroid Cancer

1. Lump in the neck
Due to uncontrollable cells growth and only 5% of this lumps are found to be cancerous.
2. Enlarged lymph node
Cancer has invaded the lymph nodes and its surrounding
3. Change of voice
Hoarseness or difficulty speaking in a normal voice as the tumor has affected the voice-box region.
4. Pain or discomfort in the throat or neck.
5. Problem of swallowing
As a result of tumor has affected the esophagus or of enlarged lymph node
6. Difficult breathing
Cancer may have invaded the lung or may affect either the upper or lower of respiratory track or due to enlarged lymph node
7. Etc.

Causes and risk factors
1. Age
Risk of thyroid cancer increase with age after 30
2. Gender
Women are twice at risk to develop thyroid cancer than men.
3. Race
In US, according to statistic, Caucasians are at greater risk than African Americans to develop thyroid cancer.
5. Exposure to radiation
People who exposed to the radiation therapy at a young age to treat certain cancer are at higher risk to develop thyroid cancer at later age.
6. Family history
Increased risk of thyroid cancer if one of your direct family has a history of thyroid cancer
7. chronic goiter
Risk of thyroid cancer increased if you have a history of enlargement of the thyroid gland.
8. Exposure to certain chemical agents
In a study by Copenhagen researchers, the effect of chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins on the thyroid. Ron and co-authors noted the correlation between chemicals and increased TSH and the resulting potential "in an increased opportunity for mutations and the development of cancer."
9. Low level of iodine
People with life-long iodine deficiency are more likely to develop thyroid cancer.
10. Heredity
People born with mutation in the RET proto-oncogene are at risk in developing medullary thyroid cancer (MTC).
11. Etc.

Diagnosis and tests
After family history and careful physical examination, If you have a family history of medullary thyroid cancer, blood test for calcitoninis is necessary
1. Blood test
The blood is to determine the levels of calcitoninis, elevation of calcitoninis may be signed of thyroid cancer.

2. Thyroid scan
With the inject of asotope, your doctor can view the images capture which will be classified according the amount asotope of absorption by the thyroid gland. If the gland is actively taking up the isotope, ultrasound will show whether the abnormality is a cyst or not. Thyroid biopsy may be required to further assessment.

3. Thyroid biopsy
In thyroid biopsy, a sample ofthe effected area is taken by a thin needle instrument (thin needle aspirate, under local anesthesia and examined by a pathologist under microscopy to view the type and stage of the cancer.

4. CT Scan (computerized tomography)
A CT scan generates a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation, to create a three-dimensional picture of the inside of the body in details.The pictures are viewed by your doctor to see the extent of the tumors abnormalities, such as spreading of cancer to the nearby structure and lymph nodes.

5. Etc.

The Grades of Thyroid cancer are depending to the tendency of spreading. Low grade cancers usually grow more slowly and are less likely to spread while high grade cancer indicates otherwise.

Thyroid cancer is classified as 5 stages
1. Stage 0
If the cancerous cell have not penetrated in deeper tissue but in the surface of the thyroid lining.
2. Stage I
In stage I, The cancerous cells are no longer in the surface but have invaded into deep thyroid lining, but still completely inside the thyroid gland.
Stage IA1
The cancer is not ≤ 3 mm (1/8 inch) deep and ≤ 7 mm (1/4 inch) wide.
a.1. Stage IA1:
The spreading is not less than 3mm(1/8 inch) deep and & less than 7mm (1/4 inch) wide.
a.2. Stage IA2: The invasion area is ≥ 3 mm but ≤ 5 mm (about 1/5 inch) deep and & less than 7 mm (about 1/4 inch) wide.

b. Stage IB:The cancer in this stage have invaded the connective tissue, & less than 5mm (1/5 inch).
b.1. Stage IB1:
Cancer is 4 cm large (1 3/4 inches).
b.2. Stage IB2:
Cancer is ≥ 4 cm (1 3/4 inches) but & less than 5cm (1/5 inch)

3. Stage II
In stage II, the cancerous cells have spread to distant tissues, but is still within the thyroid gland.

4. Stage III
In this stage, cancerous cells has spread to the tissues immediately surrounding the thyroid gland

5. Stage IV
In this stage, cancerous cells has spread to the tissues immediately outside of the thyroid gland, other distant parts of the body.

A. What to avoid
1. Potassium Iodide
Potassium Iodide (KI) is one of the drug which can absorb radioactive iodine cause of thyroid disease and cancer. Today it has been used worldwide to prevent thyroid cancer in people who are exposed to radioactive iodides.

2. Avoid exposure to radiation
People who exposed to the radiation therapy at a young age to treat certain cancer are at higher risk to develop thyroid cancer at later age. Extra precaution to prevent exposure the thyroid gland when X ray is taken.

3. Avoid Iodine deficiency
Increase Iodine intake from diet to prevent iodine deficiency cause of thyroid cancer.

4. Avoid certain chemical agents
Chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins can increase the risk of thyroid cancer

5. Lose weight
In an article Published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Preventionthe meta-study indicated that the risk of thyroid cancer increases for obese men at roughly the same rate as it does for women.

5. Avoid chlorine and fluoride
Chlorine and fluoride are chemically related to iodine and they can block iodine receptors

6. Etc.

B. Diet
1. Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, etc. beside contain high amount of antioxidants, but also phytonutrients that have been shown to help prevent the onset and halt the progression of certain cancers.

2. Green tea
In some clinical studies researchers suggested that the polyphenols in green tea, may play an important role in the prevention of cancer by killing cancerous cells and stopping their progression.

3. Garlic
An analysis of several case-controlled studies in Europe suggests an inverse association between garlic consumption and risk of common cancers.

4. Tomato
Many studies showed that antioxidant lycopene in tomato inhibits cancer cell growth and exhibit apoptosis, causing cell death.

5. Soy
In laboratory studies, saponins have shown the ability to inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells and slow the growth of tumors in several different tissues.

6. Etc.

C. Nutritional supplements
1. Free radicals scavengers
Vitamin A, C, E are free radical scavengers enhanced the immune system against the forming of free radicals and prevent the alternation of cell DNA cause of abnormal cell growth. For more information of how antioxidants help to treat cancer, click here

2. Modified citrus pectin
In a study of researcher found modified citrus pectin may help block the growth and metastasis of solid tumors.

3. Selenium
Research showed that selenium has a protective effect on various stages of cancer, including both the early and later stages of the disease. In a study in large groups of people, researchers found that in areas of the world where selenium levels in the soil are high, death rates from cancer are significantly lower than in areas where selenium levels are low.

4. Lycopene
Many studies showed that antioxidant lycopene in tomato inhibits cancer cell growth and exhibit apoptosis, causing cell death.

5. Beta -carotene
In some laboratory, animal, and human studies, researchers found that vitamin A, certain retinoids may also inhibit cancer development.

6. Etc.

A. In conventional medicine
Treatment of thyroid cancer not only depends on the stage, grade but also age of the patient. Thyroid cancer occurs in older people tends to be aggressive, while in young adulthood and adolescence are curative

1. Surgery
The objective of the surgery is to cure, especial in the younger age group. If the cancer is low-grow and in the early stage, in most case after the thyroid gland was removed, patient will need to take thyroxine tablets for the rest of his/her life. If the cancer has spread to the nearby lymph nodes, the lymph nodes are also removed in the same surgery.
If your blood indicates that you have an elevation of calcitoninis, an inherited medullary thyroid cancer, then surgery may be only treatment.

2. Radioactive Iodine
Radioactive iodine usually is also used to treat hyperthyroidism. In case of thyroid cancer, radioactive iodine helps to destroy any remaining thyroid cancer cells after surgery.
Since it is highly radioactive, avoid exposing radioactivity to your family members or other people, there are some instructions that you must follow for the first 5 days after your treatment
a. Drink plenty of fluids.
b. Avoid contact with children and pregnant women.
c. Sleep in your own room.
d. Use separate towels, face cloths, and sheets.
e. Wash above and your personal clothing separately for 5 days
f. Etc.

3. Radiotherapy
a. Radiation may be used for stages II, III, and IV to kill any cancer cells remaining in the body. By using high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation, radiation therapy kills the cancer cells and keep them from growing or regrowing.
b. Side effects
b.1. Fatigue
b.2. Chest pain
b.3. Heart problem
b.4. Short of breath
b.5. Skin discoloration or pinkness, irritation.
b.6. Etc.
In the elder, and if the cancer has spread, chemotherapy may be recommended

4. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is most use to treat with advance stage of cancer combined with radio therapy, as it has spread to a distant parts of the body by using drugs taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle of the patient to stop the growth of or to kill cancer cells.
b. Side effects
b.1. Nausea
b.2. Vomiting
b.3. Hair loss
b.4. Fatigue
b.5. Anemia
b.6. Mouth sores taste and smell changes
b.7. Infection
b.8. Etc.

B. Herbal medicine
1. Aloe
in some studies, researchers suggest that some chemical compounds of aloe, such as acemannan, aloeride, and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) may have immunomodulating and anticancer effects.

2. Absinthe
Absinthe is also known as Wormwood, a distilled, highly alcoholic beverage flowers extracted from leaves of the herb Artemisia absinthium. In a study, researcher at the University of Washington found that wormwood can be used as a promising potential treatment for cancer.

3. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is used both as a herb (the leaves) and as a spice (the seed), genus Trigonella, belonging to family Fabaceae. Vitro studies have shown that fenugreek exhibits chemopreventive properties against certain cancers.

4. Devil's Claw
The extract of Harpagophytum procumbens, commonly known as devil's claw,
In vitro studies, researchers found that cat's claw demonstrated anticancer effects against several cancer cell lines and has been reported to be effective in the treatment of lymphoma cancer, according to a study conducted by K. S. Wilson, M.D., which was published in the journal "Current Oncology" in August 2009.

5. Celandine
Celandine is a herbaceous perennial plant, genus Chelidonium, belonging to the family Papaveraceae, native to Europe and western Asia and introduced widely in North America.
In a study of Ukrain (Ukrain is an anticancer drug based on the extract of the plant)– a new cancer cure? A systematic review of randomised clinical trials, researcher suggested, according to the data from randomised clinical trials that Ukrain to have potential as an anticancer drug. However, numerous caveats prevent a positive conclusion, and independent rigorous studies are urgently needed.

6. Etc

C. Traditional Chinese medicine
1. Pu Kong Yin (Dandelion Root)
In a study of the efficacy of dandelion root extract in inducing apoptosis in drug-resistant human melanoma cells, researchers found that treatment with this common, yet potent extract of natural compounds has proven novel in specifically inducing apoptosis in chemoresistant melanoma, without toxicity to healthy cells.

2. Xia Ku Cao (Selfheal Fruit-Spike)
Researchers found that cyasterone in Xia Ku Cao showed anti tumor activity.

3. Qing hao
Qing hao is also known as wormwood. In a study, researcher at the University of Washington researcher found that wormwood can be used as a promising potential treatment for cancer among the ancient arts of Chinese folk medicine.

4. Jie Geng
The Researchers found that aponins in Jie Geng have been shown to very significantly augment the cytotoxicity of immunotoxins and other targeted toxins directed against human cancer cells.

5. Gan Cao
Gan Cao is also known as Licorice root. In-vitro, researchers found that saponins in Gan Cao stimulate the immune system and inhibit Epstein-Barr virus expression and possess anti-cancer activities.