cancer cell

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Breast Cancer Support: Taking Care of the Caretaker

Breast Cancer Support: Taking Care of the Caretaker

Offering breast cancer support as a caregiver or partner is one of the hardest things there is. For starters, it is almost impossible for one person to manage it all without the help of others. While you are trying to bring your best, you're only human and you should not be afraid to ask for help.
Here are some ways in which you can take care of yourself in order to provide the bestbreast cancer support to your loved one with cancer.

1. Acknowledge how you feel
When someone you know and love is facing a cancer diagnosis, you must know that it is a very emotional time for them and for you too. You may be feeling sad, lonely, helpless, frightened, angry, uncertain and more.  In order to provide the best breast cancer support, you need to first deal with your own emotions. 
There's a lot you can do, but there's also some things that you can't do. This is not a time to feel selfish or guilty for taking time out for yourself. Acknowledge how you feel and find a safe space where you can express your feelings.
2.  Take care of yourself
Be sure that you get enough sleep and that you eat healthy, balanced meals. Exercise at least 3 times every week and be sure to relax as often as you can. If you have medical needs, take your medications and make your doctors' appointments. Do whatever floats your boat, but make sure that you know and take care of the signs of caregiver burnout.
3.  Keep the lines of communication open
As a caregiver, people will turn to you for updates, and you should let them have it. However, you don't need to do it all. If it's too difficult for you to keep veryone in the loop, appoint someone to be the central contact person.
4.  Learn to say no
You're bound to be offered plenty unsolicited advice and help. If you don't need or want it, politely decline and thank the person for his or her concern.
When you're the central figure offering breast cancer support, you should understand that you are valuable to a person's healing. You can help other people to become involved by wearing pink gear and donating funds to the National breast Cancer Foundation.While you are trying to bring your best, you're only human and you should not be afraid to ask for help.

About the Author

For more information give us a call at  1800 637 098 or visit our website

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