cancer cell

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Guanabana Fruit Finds Its Way To Cure Cancer

Guanabana Fruit Finds Its Way To Cure Cancer

Guanabana or Soursop is a fruit extensively grown in Central America, northern parts of South America, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, etc. The fruit is also grown in some parts of Southeastern Asia, and East of Nigeria. Guanabana belongs to the genus chirimoya and the family pawpaw. The scientific name of the plant bearing the fruit is Annona muricata.
Preferred Climatic Condition:
This fruit is best grown in the areas with warmer winters and relatively higher humidity. An atmospheric temperature below 5 degree Celsius can be fatal to the existence of the plant.
 Some Common Uses Of Guanabana:
Soursop has an edible flesh consisting of a white pulp. The fruit is rich in fiber and contains some small, black, and indigestible seeds. It has been reported that Soursop is the only fruit belonging to the genus chirimoya that can be preserved, thereby, helping to obtainGuanabana extract. These extracts are found in commercial market as juices, candies, sorbets, fruit nectar, ice-cream flavors, etc.
Guanabana is rich in sources of Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B2. Having these health properties, Soursop gives you healthy and glowing skin, de-stresses you and your muscles, helps your body in its growing and healing processes, and boosts many nervous activities of the brain. This fruit also helps you in detoxing your body, keeps you active, fresh, and fit. It also gives you a cholesterol-free heart. The fruit has a low content of sugar and carbohydrate reducing the chance of developing diabetes and gaining calories. As mentioned earlier, the fruit is rich in fiber and thus, is good for clearing your motion and prevents you from having an upset stomach.
It's Uses In Treating Cancer:
There have been claims across the internet that Guanabana or Guanabana extract have healing properties that can slow down the spreading of cancer. It is also said that the fruit can enhance the curative properties of the other traditional cancer therapies. However, studies are still carried on the Guanabana fruit and its medicinal properties. Thus, the present status is that some scientists and research scholars do believe that the fruit can cure cancer while others beg to differ. Unless and until there is any conclusive deductions on the fruit, it is advisable not to use the fruit or its extracts for curing cancer.
However, the above advice does not stop us from believing in the other health properties of the fruit. Thus, next time you visit a store or shop online, go for every products you can lay hands on having the fruit's extract.
Guanabana Fruits Online:
There are a good many portals who deals in Guanabana fruit and its extracts. You will find all sorts of juices, flavored candies, ice-creams, jams, and jellies online made from this fruit. All you need is to place an order for the product you would like to buy and have them delivered in no time. Hence, you can take the advantage of the medicinal properties of the fruit anywhere and anytime.

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