cancer cell

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Gifts, Gifts and More Gifts All while supporting cancer

Gifts, Gifts and More Gifts All while supporting cancer

I just received the BEST gift from my boyfriend! The most amazing arrangement of 5 dozen Red Roses! What a gorgeous arrangement! I was blown away by the size and beauty! The funny thing is my boyfriend always forgets our anniversary so when these arrived at our house this afternoon I was completely shocked. So after questioning him a bit, he finally gave up the secret… he ordered the flowers this morning from and they offered same day delivery (figures! He lucked out!)
I decided to check out the GiftsGo site since it was an online site I had not yet heard of (surprising, since online shopping is my favorite pastime). Wow! I was impressed! Basically the site is a one-stop destination for all unique and personalized gift ideas for any occasions. They don't actually sell the items on their site; once you find an item you like, you then select the item and are transferred to the seller's page. I actually liked that set-up because the selection of gifts was extremely varied and also, once on the seller's page, you can browse through their other products too (Gifts, Gifts and more Gifts!).
GiftsGo has divided their gifts into categories and then sub-categorized. This makes it easy to search for a particular gift- ex. Baby shower. I, on the other hand, decided to peruse the entire site and wasn't really searching for anything in particular. Let me tell you that this site has some unique gifts! Things like a giant beach ball (I'm talking much larger than my height), an electric s'mores maker (who doesn't love s'mores??), a personalized casserole dish (I know what I'm getting Mom for Mother's Day) and sleep headphones (I need a pair to drown out my dog's snoring). See what I meant about variety?! This site has it all!
After much enjoyable scrolling, I ended up purchasing something for my boyfriend (who just won major points for this rose arrangement). We are really into astrology and I found the coolest gift under the Valentine's section… "Name A Star  -" I thought this was so unique and thoughtful- I know he is going to love it! The package comes with a personalized name a star certificate and the coordinates to your very own star! How cool is that? This is a gift that I know he has never received and one he will remember forever.
Turned out to be a pretty wonderful anniversary! I loved my bouquet of roses and I was truly impressed with the GiftsGo site. I felt I had to share it with you! I know that's the first place I will head to when purchasing my next gift… 
oh and here's the best part- GiftsGo donates a portion of it's revenue to various cancer charities! It didn't cost me anything extra and I'm supporting such a worthy cause! It feels great to support something greater while shopping; makes me feel like my shopping is actually worthwhile! So there you have it… my newest online spot… Happy Shopping!

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