cancer cell

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Detection of breast cancer in Urdu language

Detection of breast cancer in Urdu language

A primary doctor thermography and ultrasound specialist, recommends carrying out regular breast health. One of the most modern methods of early detection of breast cancer is the thermography. In general, they say that it is easier must to cure a disease when it is detected in early stages than when it invaded the whole body. This can be said in cancer and other diseases of the breast. In the latter case, doctors were able must to help to understand this negative phenomenon, using specialist treatment to restore hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes, and health care. Also, the doctor has helped cure many women affected by this scourge.
A noninvasive method:Considered a noninvasive method, thermography can be placed among the first diagnostic tests in detection of nodules and breast cancer, clinical examination and mammography compared to late diagnosis when the tumor already has a few inches.
Advantages of thermograph - does not radiate, which allows the investigation of any person, no matter how young (even at 12 years), unlike mammography, but can not be used by women under 40 years because of radiation products - making two months thermographic control of breast, monitoring patients under treatment. It should be noted that the thermograph has a high sensitivity, high accuracy, a special resolution, can record physiological abnormalities characteristic early onset of malignant tumors, breast, four, six years before the diagnosis by other methods.Health experts in thermography and ultrasound, says that people who have a history, that mother, grandmother, aunt who had breast cancer, mammary dysplasia, should undergo a thermography, even if you do not have any symptoms of illness. You also need to make a thermography and people who recognize the causes listed above, and the color Doppler ultrasound and 4D further investigation needed to complete genital breast disease diagnosis is breast ultrasound.
Doctors recommend hormonal tests for diagnosis, more correctly, thyroid hormones, ovaries, pituitary, at certain times of the menstrual cycle and markers for breast and ovarian cancer, helping to establish a hormonal profile. Specialist mentioned that people with excess folliculin has to make a preventive control because they are prone to lumps and tumors of the breast. It is recommended that girls who have a little discomfort in your breasts before your period, must to come to the clinic for preventive control of diseases of the breast.
Symptoms of Breast Disease:- Breast pain and congestion before the menstrual cycle;- discharge from the nipple, breast lumps;- hormonal imbalances, ovarian dysfunction, thyroid and pituitary disorders;- due to psychological stress (overuse and emotionalism), which adversely affects the hormonal function of endocrine glands, resulting in cystic degeneration of ovaries, which occurs after psychological trauma.


About the Author

Nabeela G
beauty tips online in urdu language,online Health tips,health tips in urdu,depression tips online in urdu,heart attacks tips in urdu.

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