cancer cell

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Urdu Tips for Cancer in Childern

Every year, 200,000 children worldwide have cancer and still find that because of this terrible disease, 250 young people die every day. In some countries, the average cure these sick children is about 30-60%, depending on the specific disease and the time of registration.The most common types of childhood cancers are leukemias, lymphomas and brain tumors, and anemia is the most defining symptom, although it is often treated as a symptom and not the disease, which decreases the chances of survival of children. Pallor, cough, and sudden unexplained weight loss may be related to cancer.The most common types of childhood cancers are leukemias, lymphomas and brain tumors, and anemia is the most defining symptom, although it is often treated as a symptom and not the disease, which decreases the chances of survival of children. Pallor, cough, and sudden unexplained weight loss may be related to cancer.If at adults, the factors that predispose to cancer are poor nutrition, lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol in such cases children are not involved in cancer. In their cases are always genetic. "Cancer is not transmitted from parents, but their health child prone to various diseases. The child shows the body of genetic mutations that increase the risk of her illness.

Urdu Beauty tips Cancers at children and associated symptoms.Leukemias represent one third of cancers at children, and sometimes signs of illness - fever, weight loss, anorexia and excessive sweating at night - are not taken into account. Oncologists say that anemia is the most common symptom of leukemia, but that is not met so too is associated with this type of cancer. There is great danger that, while anemia is treated as a disease, and not as a disease symptom in the cancer progresses.The appearance of a solid tumor is indicated by symptoms such as inflammation of a lymph, paleness, fatigue, weight loss. Brain tumors can be easily recognized because they are accompanied by vomiting, headache, poor school performance, but reliable diagnosis can be made only after an MRI. but that is not met so too is associated with this type of cancer. There is great danger that, while anemia is treated as a disease, and not as a disease symptom in the cancer progresses.The appearance of a solid tumor is indicated by symptoms such as inflammation of a lymph, paleness, fatigue, weight loss. Brain tumors can be easily recognized because they are accompanied by vomiting, headache, poor school performance, but reliable diagnosis can be made only after an MRI.
Bone cancer is betrayed by bone pain, which often are considered trivial, especially that gives easy access to the administration of acetaminophen or Nurofen. Oncologists advise parents not to neglect them. The most common intraocular malignant tumor at children is manifested by the appearance of white spots at the pupil, but also by visual disturbances. In about two thirds of cases one eye is affected.


About the Author

Nabeela G
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