cancer cell

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Oral Cancer: Scary But worth the Discussion

Be it any form of it, cancer is a disease that brings goose bumps to most of us. Once the type of cancer is diagnosed, it takes a lot of safety measures and curing procedures. It's found to be a blend of procedures like surgery, chemotherapy (curing through drugs, which destroy cancerous cells) and radiotherapy (killing the cancerous cells with radiation). However, this article will specifically target the type of cancer called ‘oral cancer'.

Some facts…

There is a myth regarding oral cancer that it would be quite easy to diagnose it since our mouth undergoes countless examinations by the dentists. Therefore, for a dentist it must be much easier to uncover anything wrong with the lips or mouth. However, disappointingly enough, no dentist can observe the changes oral cancer brings with it.
Oral cancer, in most of the cases cannot usually be detected until the last stage of it. That decreases the chances of surviving it even more. Factually, even though there is a huge advancement in various aspects of treatment, medicines and technology, the survival did not manage to cross 58% for five years after the medication.

The Diagnosis…

Since it's almost impossible to diagnose oral cancer as it happens, the diagnosis of it is quite complicated. Early symptoms of oral cancer are commonly occurring canker sores, minor infections and irritations that occur from biting. It makes it more important to have an oral cancer examination even when going for a session of Teeth Whitening Frisco.

Oral Dental Examination

  • As mentioned earlier, the oral cancer examination shall be made part of your regular cleaning session or dental check-up appointment. It would be like-
  • Looking for any signs such as red or white patches by inspecting your face, neck, lips, and mouth.
  • Examining for any lumps that may suggest cancer by feeling the floor of the mouth, the sides of the neck and glands.
  • Checking your tongue from side to side and even underside it by using a gauze to pull it.
    Examining the back of the throat by putting an instrument on the top of your tongue.
Summing up, it is highly recommended to go through a cancer related checkup annually for all the adults aged 40 and older than that. Also, a checkup every three years for those between the age 20 and 29. Prevention is better than cure. You can always give it a shot even when you visit your doctor for any Dallas Veneers.

About the Author

Michael Krost
Michael Krost is a veteran writer and excels in writing some great informative articles and blogs on Softwares, Computers,IT Techs, Hacks... 

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