cancer cell

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Sign of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women worldwide. The most possible sign of breast cancer are discussed here:

  • Breast / Chest pain: breast tumors can take many different forms, such as a single lump, an area of scattered seed like tumours or an amorphous shape with multiple tentacles extending into the tissue. These growths cause different types of pain or discomfort. Keep track of when, where and how often the pain occurs.

  • Itchy Breasts: this symptom associated with inflammatory breast cancer, is often not noticed. Many women with breast cancer spend months visiting the dermatologist, only to be sent home with creams and medications for a rash. The median age of diagnosis for inflammatory breast cancer is 57, and it's typically more aggressive than other types of breast cancer. 

  • Upper back, shoulder and neck pain: Sometimes, breast cancer can be felt in the back or shoulders rather than the chest or breasts. The pain is easily confused with sore muscles. However, the pain doesn't go away with stretching or changing position. Bone pain is a deep ache or throbbing pain. The first place breast cancer usually spreads is to the spine or ribs, becoming secondary spine cancer. If back pain doesn't go away with rest, stretching or physical therapy, consult the doctor.

  • Changes in breast shape, size or appearance: Your partner may notice this change before you do. Or you may become aware of it as you put on bra or look at yourself in the mirror. Tissue growth may push out the shape or size of the breast without causing a glaring lump. Be particularly alert if you've been told you have dense breast tissue. Mammograms miss up to 50 percent of tumors in women with dense breasts. Study the shape and size of the breasts in a mirror. If there's a difference in size or shape you haven't ever noticed, tell the doctor.

  • A change in nipple appearance or sensitivity: One of the most common locations for abreast tumor is just beneath the nipple, which can alter the look and feel of the nipple. You may notice that one of the nipples sticks up less than it used to, or it might have become inverted, flattened or indented. There can also be a decrease in nipple sensitivity, which can come to you or your partner's attention during sex. Finally, there could be discharge when you're not breast feeding, and it could be bloody, milky or watery. The skin of the nipple can become crusty, scaly or inflamed. Many breast cancers start in the milk ducts just under and around the nipple, affecting the nipple's appearance or causing pain or discharge. Because some women have naturally inverted nipples or have discharge during and post-pregnancy, a doctor won't necessarily notice this symptom. Pay close attention to any changes in the nipples and discuss them with the doctor.

  • Swelling or lump in your armpit: Any pain in the armpit is a sign to check the area carefully with the fingers. A lump under the armpit is hard and doesn't move when you touch it. It feels like a sore or tender spot under the arm. You may not necessarily feel a lump. In some women, the swelling is more prominent under the arm or under the collarbone. The lymph nodes in the armpit are where breast cancer spreads first, by way of lymphatic fluid that drains from the breast. Colds, flu and infection can also cause swollen lymph nodes, so if you're sick or have an infection, wait for it to clear up before you worry. If a lump or tender spot in the underarm area persists for a week with no apparent cause, consult the doctor.

  • Red, swollen breasts: Breast pain or redness can be signs of inflammatory breast cancer. It's like a fever for the breasts. They may feel swollen and sore, or the skin and underlying tissue may feel hot or look red or even purple. Inflammatory breast cancer is the most likely cause of this symptom. But breast tumors can also push on tissues, causing breasts to feel swollen and sore.


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Deepam Meditours
Deepam meditours is one of foremost Medical Tourism Facilitators Company in India. We are partners of Best Doctors & Top Hospitals in... 

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