cancer cell

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Thyroid and breast adenomas

Thyroid and breast adenomas

Thyroid adenoma is a benign tumor of the thyroid gland. There are no known causes of this disease, but a role is assigned to hyperproduction of thyrotropin and regional sympathetic innervations damage. After histological structure differ: macrofollicular adenoma, trabecular adenoma and microfollicular adenoma.
The most frequently is macrofollicular adenoma. It shows a cystic structure and is composed of large follicles, which contain a significant amount of colloid. Microfollicular adenoma is covered by a fibrous capsule and contains a small amount of colloid. Trabecular adenoma consists of  trabecular epithelial cords.

Characteristic signs of thyroid adenomas include a feeling of pressure in the neck, dysphagia and dyspnea. On palpation it notices a firm, elastic and mobile formation, adhering to surrounding tissues. In the case of a long evolution, adenoma can calcify and ossify. There are several possible complications, such as bleeding in the adenoma, intranodular hematoma infection, toxic nodular goiter development and malignization.
Diagnosis and treatment
In most cases, thyroid adenoma is discovered incidentally or in a prophylactic control. It is necessary to determine the duration of the disease evolution, growth speed and mobility adenoma. To diagnose thyroid adenoma are performed serological tests, scanning, ultrasound, x-ray examination, and biopsy.
 X-ray shows calcification adenoma, moving trachea or esophagus. The ultrasound diagnosis is determining whether node. In case of malignancy is recommended biopsy by puncture.
 Based treatment for thyroid adenoma is surgery.
Breast adenoma (fibroadenoma)
Mammary glands (breasts) are made up of ducts and lobes that are surrounded by glandular tissue and supporting tissue (rich in elastic fibers). Breast fibroadenoma consists of excessive growth of the tissue, the form of small spheres - node. Breast fibroadenoma is benign and therefore does not increase breast cancer development risk.
Fibroadenoma appearance is determined by increased levels of estrogen in the body. It has a smooth texture, is well defined and can cause slight discomfort.
Most have a size of about 1-3 cm, and when exceeding 5 cm are called giant fibroadenoma. Fibroadenomas usually keep their size, and over time, some may shrink and others may disappear. Occasionally they grow in size, especially in teenagers, pregnant or nursing. Fibroadenoma diagnosed in teenagers called juvenile fibroadenoma.
 Symptoms and causes
Fibroadenoma is the most common benign tumor of the breast in young women. Usually, they are spherical, mobile and smooth. A fixed formation can be diagnosed as breast malignant tumor.  Fibroadenoamas in young women are clear defined, and in older women may be calcified. 15% of cases, fibroadenomas are many and are present in both breasts. Because of sensitivity to estrogen, fibroadenoma may increase in size towards the end of menstruation or during pregnancy. After menopause, many of them disappear spontaneously due to lower estrogen levels. Followed by hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women can prevent reduction of fibroadenomas. Usually increase in size of these benign formations is not painful, but the size and location can cause breast tenderness or pain.
Fibroadenomas frequently occur in women breasts who have 15-30 years and in pregnant women.  They occur with less frequency in postmenopausal women unless following hormone replacement therapy with estrogen. About 10% of fibroids disappear in time, but 20% of them are recurrent.
Breast cancer and fibroadenoma complications
A low percentage of patients with breast fibroadenoma have an increased risk of developing breast cancer because of it, rarely being identified cancer cells in biopsy samples of fibroadenoma. Fibroadenoma complications are infrequent. Biopsy and surgical removal of fibroadenomas, like any other surgical procedure, involves the risk of bleeding, scarring and postoperative infection. After removing node it may recur in the same location. The risk of breast cancer depends on the type of fibroadenoma.
Most fibroadenomas are simple: their mass is distinct and cells have uniform appearance. They favor breast cancer, especially if there is family history that includes the presence of this
Complex fibroadenomas include breast cysts and breast lobes increased in size and features pieces of opaque and dense tissue - calcification. Complex fibroadenomas not evolve to breast cancer, but some patients may favor its appearance. However, the risk of breast  ancer is low even after the diagonstication of complex fibroadenoma.

About the Author

Stefania Constantin
Stefania write blog articles for retetanaturista where you can find more details about Adenom tiroidian-mamar and natural products from

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