cancer cell

Monday 26 October 2015

3 Side Effects of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a brand new anti-aging formula that helps you lose weight and look younger. It has been featured on CNN, New York Times, Barbara Walters, Fox News, WebMD, Dr. Oz, and Oprah. The Resveratrol craze is because of the profound effects it has on humans. Listed below are three main side effects and explanations for each:

Remember, side effects aren't always negative are they? Resveratrol is an all-natural supplement that provides high levels of one of the most powerful natural anti-oxidants. Out of all anti aging supplements, creams and pills on the market, Resveratrol is the best thing available today. Here are some of the benefits:

1) Lose Weight And Burn Fat
Resveratrol activates the "longevity gene" the (sirtuin SIR gene). It mimics the effects of calorie restriction which calls in the body's natural response to increase metabolism and burn fat more efficiently.

Thousands of testimonials have shown that people who were obese have slimmed down to a normal weight after taking Resveratrol twice per day, without changing anything else in their lifestyles or diets. Although it came as a shock to the scientists, antioxidant compounds found in Resveratrol work as food inhibitors to upper intestine receptors; in other words, they make your brain think that your stomach is full. This has been extensively tested on animals, and the outcome showed that they decreased their food intake by around 10%.

2) Prevent and Fight Cancer
In a widely publicized report, researchers at Harvard Medical School and BIOMOL Research Laboratories have demonstrated that Resveratrol inhibits the proliferation of a variety of human cancer cell lines.

Also, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers have concluded that the Resveratrol's natural antioxidant that's found in red grapes can destroy cancer cells by attacking the mitochondria and seizing it's functionality. With Resveratrol's anti-inflammatory effects, it also stops the activity of enzymes which encourage cancer cell growth. In addition, Resveratrol has been proven to put and end to the growth of tumors in mammary glands, which is revolutionizing the medical research of breast cancer.

3) Anti-Aging Miracle
Ponce de León's search for the fountain of youth ends here! The anti-oxidant properties of Resveratrol slow down the effects of aging. Resveratrol slows down the aging process, helps eliminate wrinkles, and adds years to your life. Imagine taking a single anti-aging pill daily and adding 25 years to your life! It arrests free-radicals in the body and reduces the amount of wrinkles while repairing sun damaged skin at the same time.

Resveratrol reduces cell degradation. Animals that have been fed with Resveratrol supplements have a higher life expectancy than the ones who were not. Also, it works extremely fast, Resveratrol face creams are known to reduce superficial wrinkles within days. This is a huge benefit for people who want better skin but don't want to have to wait for weeks to see the effects to show up.

More and more uses and benefits of Resveratrol are being discovered every day. Resveratrol is also known to boost over-all energy levels, clear up acne, reduce IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) as well as give you a greater sense of self, and much, much more!

About the Author

Jeffrey J Smith
Join the Resveratrol Craze Today with Your FREE Trial of Nature's Best Secret to Better Health! 

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