cancer cell

Monday 26 October 2015

Coenzyme Q10 - A Proven Cancer Treatment in 3 Pills

How does coenzyme q10 help you fight cancer?
  • Coq10 induces tumor remission (apoptosis - self-destruction - of the cancer cell).
  • Coq10 protects and strengthens the heart from damage induced by chemotherapy drugs (most cancer patients die of heart failure - not cancer).
  • Coq10 stimulates the immune system and thereby enables the body to help fight the cancer.
  • Coq10 inhibits oxidation due to its powerful antioxidant abilities.
Coenzyme Q10 - an unrefuted scientific treatment that aids cancer therapy.

  • "It is amazing that such early laboratory studies show that a benign compound such as CoQ10 can cause cancer cells to selectively kill themselves without harm to normal cells." S. L. Hsia, Ph.D., director of the Transdermal Delivery/Cutaneous Biology Laboratory in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine.
  • "The most amazing part is that," with coenzyme q10 "we've been able to restore a cancer cell's ability to kill itself, while not impacting normal cells," Niven R. Narain, director of transdermal delivery/cutaneous cancer research in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine.
  • "Chemotherapy affects both normal and cancer cells, but based on the data we've seen, it would appear that Coenzyme Q10 only impacts the cancer cells," Indushekhar Persaud, chief bioengineer for drug delivery therapeutics in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine.
  • "From human clinical trials in cardiology, cancer and infectious disease alone it appears that significant improvements in health and major decreases in cost of health care are associated with Q10 supplementation." (Langsjoen, PH. Introduction to Coenzyme Q10, 1995. On Univ of Wash).
  • "Preclinical and clinical studies suggest that anthracycline induced cardiotoxicity can be prevented by administering coenzyme Q10 during cancer chemotherapy that includes drugs such as doxorubicin and daunorubicin." Kenneth A. Conklin, MD, PhD Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles.
Read the science. CoQ10 fights cancer. 

"Over 35 years, data and knowledge have internationally evolved from biochemical, biomedical and clinical research on vitamin Q10 (coenzyme Q10; CoQ10) and cancer, which led in 1993 to overt complete regression of the tumors in two cases of breast cancer. Continuing this research, three additional breast cancer patients also underwent a conventional protocol of therapy which included a daily oral dosage of 390 mg of vitamin Q10 (Bio-Quinone of Pharma Nord) during the complete trials over 3-5 years. The numerous metastases in the liver of a 44-year-old patient "disappeared," and no signs of metastases were found elsewhere. A 49-year-old patient, on a dosage of 390 mg of vitamin Q10, revealed no signs of tumor in the pleural cavity after six months, and her condition was excellent. A 75-year-old patient with carcinoma in one breast, after lumpectomy and 390 mg of CoQ10, showed no cancer in the tumor bed or metastases.Control blood levels of CoQ10 of 0.83-0.97 and of 0.62 micrograms/ml increased to 3.34-3.64 and to 3.77 micrograms/ml, respectively, on therapy with CoQ10 for patients A-MRH and EEL." Lockwood-K. Moesgaard-S. Yamamoto-T. Folkers-K.

"Thirty-two typical patients with breast cancer, aged 32- 81 years and classified 'high risk' because of tumor spread to the lymph nodes in the axilla, were studied for 18 months following an Adjuvant Nutritional Intervention in Cancer protocol (ANICA protocol). The added treatment was a combination of nutritional antioxidants (Vitamin C: 2850 mg, Vitamin E: 2500 iu, beta-carotene 32.5 iu, selenium 387 micrograms plus secondary vitamins and minerals), essential fatty acids (1.2 g gamma linolenic acid and 3.5 g n-3 fatty acids) and Coenzyme Q10 (90 mg per day). The main observations were: (1) none of the patients died during the study period. (the expected number was four.) (2) none of the patients showed signs of further distant metastases. (3) quality of life was improved (no weight loss, reduced use of pain killers). (4) six patients showed apparent partial remission." Lockwood-K. Moesgaard-S. Yamamoto-T. Folkers-K.

"Relationships of nutrition and vitamins to the genesis and prevention of cancer are increasingly evident. In a clinical protocol, 32 patients having -"high-risk"- breast cancer were treated with antioxidants, fatty acids, and 90 mg. of CoQ10. Six of the 32 patients showed partial tumor regression. In one of these 6 cases, the dosage of CoQ10 was increased to 390 mg. In one month, the tumor was no longer palpable and in another month, mammography confirmed the absence of tumor. Encouraged, another case having a verified breast tumor, after non-radical surgery and with verified residual tumor in the tumor bed was then treated with 300 mg. CoQ10. After 3 months, the patient was in excellent clinical condition and there was no residual tumor tissue. The bioenergetic activity of CoQ10, expressed as hematological or immunological activity, may be the dominant but not the sole molecular mechanism causing the regression of breast cancer.". Lockwood-K. Moesgaard-S. Yamamoto-T. Folkers-K.

"Eight new case histories of cancer patients plus two reported cases support the statement that therapy of cancer patients with CoQ10, which has no significant side effect, has allowed survival on an exploratory basis for periods of 5-15 years. These results now justify systematic protocols." Folkers-K. Brown-R. Judy-W-V. Morita-M..

Safety and efficacy of CoQ10 has been demonstrated in numerous very large clinical trials. (Langsjoen 1995; Langsjoen and Langsjoen 1999; Ely and Krone 2000).
Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring enzyme found in the body. It is the catalyst of all cellular energy in the body.

Coq10 initiates apoptosis (self-destruction) of cancer cells. Coq10 functions as one of the most powerful antioxidants to protect cells from damage by oxygen and a stimulator of both cellular respiration and immune functioning. It has been proven that cancer patients lack coenzyme Q10 in their blood. Coenzyme Q10 has been proven to inhibit oxidation, stimulate the immune system and induce tumor remission.

Deficiencies in coenzyme Q10 have been documented in cancer patients. Coenzyme Q10 deficiencies have also been associated with heart damage from Adriamycin chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Different studies suggest that coenzyme Q10 provides protection against Adriamycin and Lovastatin cardiotoxicity.

Coenzyme Q10 is produced by the body with highest concentrations in organs such as the brain, heart, liver, and kidney. After being absorbed into the body, more than 90% of CoQ10 is converted to its active form, known as (CoQH2-10) or ubiquinol. Ubiquinol has strong antioxidant properties. Conditions that cause oxidative stress on the body, like cancer, decrease the ratio of ubiquinol to CoQ10. Coenzyme Q10 is used as a treatment for numerous conditions and continues to develop a reputation as a miracle vitamin and is recommended and studied as a potential treatment for cardiac, neurologic, oncologic, and immunologic disorders. Coenzyme Q10 production by the body peaks by early 20's and drops steadily thereafter and drops quicker in disease states. Animal models have proven that coenzyme q10 supplementation not only lengthens life but also enhances the "quality" of life.
Medical Disclaimer. 

This artiicle has been written by Cancer Ally for information purposes only. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a general health question, you should contact a physician or other qualified health care provider for consultation, diagnosis and/or treatment. Under no circumstances should you attempt self-diagnosis or treatment based on anything you have seen or read on this website.

About the Author

Curt Pieckenhagen
Pieckenhagen, Curt Pieckenhagen, Curt-Michael Pieckenhagen 

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