cancer cell

Monday 26 October 2015

Skin Cancer Cure: Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin Cancer are of two types basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.Basal Cell Carcinoma is curable and can be easily treated, but Melanoma is a challenging skin cancer disease and hard to cure, but however if skin cancer is diagnosed in early stages it can be cured fairly. Ayurvedic medicines and other herbal treatment are one of the best sources to help cure and manage skin cancer disease.
A healthy and nutrient rick diet plan helps in overcoming skin cancer disease. Leafy green vegetables, cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables, and beta carotene rich sweet potatoes and carrots should be consumed regularly, if not daily.

Ayurvedic Herbs For Skin Cancer

Here are time proven herbs that help in managing skin cancer and curing it to a great extent:

1. Aloe Vera:

aloe vera Skin Cancer Cure: Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Cancer Treatment
Apply Aloe regularly to the skin. Aloe Vera is a natural sunscreen and helps by shielding the skin from harmful UV rays which can damage the tissues of skin. It also stops the production of cancer provoking body chemicals.

2. Turmeric:

turmeric Skin Cancer Cure: Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Cancer Treatment
Turmeric is an ancient ayurvedic herb used since centuries for treating various diseases. Application of turmeric can help healing cancerous area, turmeric helps by providing curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that prevents further cancerous growth. Make a thick paste of turmeric and water and apply on the effected area for 15-30 minutes.

3. Flaxseeds:

flax Skin Cancer Cure: Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Cancer Treatment
"Alsi ke Beej"(in India) or Flax seeds contain high levels of dietary fiberincluding lignans, an abundance of micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids. "Lignans" the element found in flaxseed prevents spreading of cancerous cells in whole body.

4. Astralagus:

220px Astragalus tragacantha ssp. vicentinus Skin Cancer Cure: Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Cancer Treatment
Astralagus another ancient medicine to cure various diseases is also found effective in treating cancer. Astralagus boosts the immune system and helps producing cancer fighting cells in body.
One can always dreaded disease, all it needs is self confidence and faith in the medication they are taking. Cancer can always be prevented and managed if brought in notice as early as possible to your doctor.
These herbs helps in help in curing and managing skin cancer, but its always advisable to consult a medical practitioner.
Wish you a speedy recovery..!!! icon smile Skin Cancer Cure: Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Cancer Treatment

About the Author

Health Veda
Health Enthusiast & Blogger @ HealthVeda 

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